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It became too difficult for him to walk in the peg leg after a while, so Patchy started wearing two boots all the time. To create the illusion of only having half a leg, Tom Kenny wore baggy pants and bent his knee to wear the peg leg. Patchy's original design included a peg leg. When the crew had to decide on Patchy's house and hometown, they tried to think of a place where it "looked like a pirate would never live." They chose a stock photo of a quaint, single-story home in Encino, feeling that it would create a funny contrast from the viewers' expectations of a pirate's home.
#Spongebob squarepants episodes speedy Patch
Because locally-produced shows are known for low production values, a variety of in-jokes were created with Patchy to evoke a low-budget look: Patchy's patch switching eyes, his hook changing hands, and his lip-syncing being poor. Patchy was made as an homage to the hosts of children's shows on local-access television channels. Hillenburg thought that a live-action host would be a good idea he wanted Tom Kenny to play Patchy, so that the main character of both segments would be played by the same person.
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When Nickelodeon ordered a Christmas special for the second season, Stephen Hillenburg and the show's crew thought about how to achieve a 22-minute running time. Patchy was added to the show in the second season as a way to make more content for double-length episodes, something the first season did not have. A logo sequence featuring Patchy appears at the start of several episodes of seasons 4 and 5, identifying the episode as "a SpongeBob SquarePants special." Patchy and Potty's live-action segments typically appear at the beginning and end of the show, as well as immediately before or after commercial breaks. He wears one boot and a peg leg in his early appearances in later episodes, he wears two boots. Patchy also has a black beard, a skull-and-crossbones hat, and other pirate accessories. Patchy wears an eyepatch and a hook on one hand.